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A Sense Of Individuality

"…Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler…"

Proverbs 6:6-11

About This Video
Ant Wisdom

In one of my morning walks, I stopped to observe these hard working creatures. This scene enfolds the balance that I seek in life between my need for self expression and its twin, the need for socializing.

About This Page
Between Self Expression & Collectivism
You Win Some You Lose Some

I am fascinated by how modern society has abundant the tribal structure for the sake of selfie state of mind. I see its desire to maintain a strong individual lifestyle, while struggling to cope with the natural need for bonding at work (shared spaces, team work) and in life (festivals, sports, parties).

I am very much a SOCIAL guy, a people's person. But I am also a LONER. I love my time alone.

While socializing, my desire for time alone is born. While being alone I feel the need of being with others. I guess that this dance is universal and eternal.  This gallery hosts different moments of individuality:      

  of a


and a


of a single


and several


   of humans


and a


on the beach

  of a


and more...

tribal to selfie
From Tribal State Of Mind To Selfie One
Selfie State Of Mind

​​It was a rainy January day in one of the modern seminar rooms of Tel-Aviv University. I was doing some dry runs of my slideshow before my lecture began. Read the full blog.

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