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"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better".

Albert Einstein.

About This Video
In Peace
Often I isolated myself from the group for shooting or meditation. The group driver noticed this habit of mine. "You are not like most of them", he said to me while I was struggling to put on my one piece snowsuit. "After all you don't mess with nature when it's -28 degrees outside at 11:00 AM. You are really connected to nature", he completed his pitch. I looked back at J.J the driver and smiled. "Would you join me?
About This Page
My Life Changing Journey To Lapland

I have visited wild locations before, from NZ to the desert of Jordan, however this trip has settled in my heart. Something about the intersection between my longitude and latitude and those of Lapland made this trip unforgettable.


Lastly, 25 years ago I served in the Israeli Defense Forces in South Lebanon as a military dog trainer. The familiar smells, sounds and views that I caught in my senses in our visit to the huskies farm opened bottled memories. Many of my PTSD’s hidden wounds were healed there.

The videos, stories and photos in this page revolve around these themes and feelings. Enjoy.

White Dream

Divine Paintbrush

​It all began during a phone call with my mother: “I want you and your brother to go on a men’s trip with your father”. Four months later we landed in Finland. Two generations and three mindsets who share blood are about to co-record lifetime memories in the everlasting white wild nature of Lapland. Read more

My Visit To The Huskies Farm

When we arrived at the farm, I suddenly lost myself. The smells and views took over my brain and became my navigator. For more than an hour, I wandered between the kennels, petting the dogs, and drizzling hot, translucent tears of joy and sorrow over the white snow.

Explenation on Huskies
00:00 / 09:48
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